Gandelot, Colette S

Photo of Gandelot, Colette S

Sales & Marketing Manager

Vujovich Design-Build, Inc.

275 Market Street, Suite 521, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405

Foundation Level Organizational Engineer and Contributor

About the Company

Vujovich Design-Build, Inc. (VDB) is the premier remodeling and a leading builder in the Minneapolis-St. Paul greater metropolitan area. The firm employs about 22 people and has a current annual revenue of approximately $7.5 million. The firm has grown at over 30% per year since 1998 and is cited by Remodeling Magazine as among the Top 10 remodeling firms in the nation. The firm focuses on the premium market segment and maintains a portfolio of its work on


Ms. Gandelot has over 10 years of experience in all facets of sales and marketing. She began her career in the fine arts working at various art galleries in Minneapolis and San Francisco. She credits this part of her experience with giving her an appreciation of marketing the intangible elements of a product and service.

In 1994 she entered the real estate business joining Burnet Financial Group, a $6 billion real estate conglomerate. She quickly rose from Real Estate Closing Assistant to Marketing Manager. During this period she applied her experience with intangibles gained in the art galleries to a large, multi-faceted real estate business. This part of her experience gave her a sense of how to transition the insights and sensitivities gained in the one-on-one environment of art galleries to the larger, more abstract environment of large-scale real estate.

Ms. Gandelot joined VDB in 1998. VDB’s market niche exists at a level between the personally based art gallery and large scale real estate. Her position has allowed her to use the knowledge she gained in both of these places. This move allowed her to focus on her primary passion of working with small and emerging companies.

Ms. Gandelot holds a B.A. from Smith College. She is a board member of several organizations and has repeatedly won recognition with the Squires Award and President’s Award within the remodeling industry. She is active in various charitable and professional organizations.


Engineering Everybody, Journal of Organizational Engineering, August 2003