Jerry Lapides

Photo of Jerry Lapides

Independent Consultant & Instructor in Organizational Engineering

25151 Parsons Drive, Southfield, MI 48075

Organizational Engineer III and Contributor


Dr. Lapides headed the Master of Arts program in Adult Instruction and Performance Technology at the University of Michigan, Dearborn until his retirement in 2001. He continues to serve on the faculty in a teaching role with a focus on graduate courses in organizational behavior/development. He remains affiliated with the School of Management and the College of Engineering and Computer Science. He is also Adjunct Professor, School of Management, University of Toulouse, France.

Dr. Lapides has been the recipient of many awards and recognitions. These include the Distinguished Teaching Award and recognition for Outstanding Service to the University of Michigan, Dearborn. He has also undertaken numerous consulting engagements with firms such as General Motors, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Detroit Edison, Fermi 2 and the United Way.

Since his semi-retirement, Dr. Lapides chose to remain in consulting as an independent consultant. He prefers shorter-term assignments that leverage his acknowledged abilities in Organizational Engineering, Team Learning and Conflict Resolution. Dr. Lapides travels extensively and maintains a network of professional associates in various countries.

In addition to his University teaching and consulting, Dr. Lapides periodically offers certification in Organizational Engineering. These seminars are typically conducted on the campus of the University of Michigan, Dearborn and are designed to appeal to practitioners who intend to quickly implement their new learning's.

Dr. Lapides is a frequent speaker and participant in various professional associations including the ASTD, ISPI, the Academy of Human Resource Development and the Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists. He is also an active contributor to numberous community organizations such as various public school districts and United Community Services of Metro Detroit.

Publications and Presentations

Girard, M., J., Lapides, J., & Roe, C. M., (in press). The fifth discipline: A systems learning model for building highly performing learning organizations. In J. Pershing (Ed.) The Human Performance Technology Handbook (5th Ed.) San Francisco: Pfeifer.

Girard, M.J., Lapides, J., & Roe, C. M., (2003) “Creating Sustainable Change: Reflections on the Systems Learning Model”. American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)/Organizational Development Leadership News, Volume 1, Issue 10, November/December 2003.

Lapides, J. (2003). University level engineered learning. Journal of Organizational Engineering, 4 (3), 1-9

Lapides, J. & Matthews, W., R. (2001) Organizational engineering: a new technology for engaging teams in collaborative decision making. A workshop at International Association of Facilitators, 2001 Conference, Minneapolis, MN May 18, 2001.

Lapides, J., & Kachhal, S., K. (2000). Indicators for organizational learning sustainability. A paper presented at the Discovering Connections a Renaissance through Systems Learning Conference. Dearborn, MI.

Lapides, J. & Matthews, W., R. (2000). Organizational engineering: Appreciating the Relationship between decision-making styles and systemic team decisions. A workshop presented at the Discovering Connections a Renaissance through Systems Learning Conference. Dearborn, MI.

Lapides, J., & Matthews, W., R. (2000) Organizational engineering applying new technology for performance improvement. A workshop presented at the 38th annual conference of the International Society for Performance improvement. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Lapides, J., & Matthews, W., R. (1999) Organizational engineering a new paradigm for understanding individual differences. Papers in performance technology. Presented at the 1999 International Performance Improvement Conference & Exposition. Santa Monica, CA.

Knight, J., Lapides, J., & Lawson, J. (1998). Learning Organization: Implications for Faculty Governance and Campus Leadership. Presented at the Sixth American Association for Higher Education Conference on Faculty Roles and Rewards. Feb. 2, 1998.


Please contact Jerry regarding his availability